The Best Of Space Saving Ideas For Small Kitchens

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The Best Of Space Saving Ideas For Small Kitchens – I’m sure you’ve heard the saying: “If you can’t find it, make it.”

If space is limited in your kitchen, that’s especially true. You need to get creative with where you put everything—but don’t worry! These solutions will help turn even the most cramped kitchens into efficient workspace.

You can make an efficient workspace out of nearly any kitchen if you’re willing to think creatively about where to put things.

If you can’t be bothered to move into a bigger kitchen, then it’s time to get creative. Here are some ways that you can make your small space work harder for you:

  • Use a corner cabinet to store your coffee maker. If there’s not room on the countertop, then this is a perfect solution.
  • Use a corner cabinet to store your microwave. If there’s not room on the countertop or inside the oven, this is another good alternative!
  • Use a corner cabinet to store your toaster and blender in one convenient place so they’re always at arm’s reach when needed (which will reduce time spent with other appliances).

This is also true for food processors as well as blenders because these items tend to take up quite a bit of real estate on most counters–and if there isn’t enough room in their regular spots on top of counters then why not try putting them inside drawers where they’ll still be easily accessible?


No matter what size your kitchen is, there are ways to make it more efficient and useful. You just have to be willing to think outside the box—and maybe even get creative with some nonstandard storage solutions.



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