40 Stylish Velvet Living Room Furniture Ideas

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The furniture in the living room has just as much of a role as you do in sending a welcome message to your guests. But then, what kind of furniture would send the best message to your guests? What kind of furniture would bring them comfort, as well as style? The answer lies in contemporary living room furniture. Contemporary living room furniture gives people a sense of comfort but still retains a stylishness that simply speaks of the owner’s great taste.

But what really defines contemporary furniture? What sets it apart from the furniture that our ancestors once used? You may think antique furniture also looks great but it doesn’t give your living room that interesting look that’s sure to captivate your guests. With contemporary living room furniture, you can go crazy and just let your creative juices flow.

You wouldn’t have to stick to those boring shapes of old like squares and circles and rectangles. You can choose an irregular shape for your sofa like S’s, oblongs, kidneys, you can even choose a shapeless blob, and nobody would accuse you of being tasteless. Contemporary furniture allows you to choose between symmetry or asymmetry, or somewhere in between.

You can even choose different fabrics for your chairs… vinyl, cotton, or velvet, anything that tickles your fancy. Colors can range from drab gray to electric blue to shocking pink, anything could look good, and you won’t have to stick with the boring browns and whites of most antique furniture. It truly is impossible to go wrong with contemporary living room furniture.

But the best thing about contemporary furniture lies not in its comfort, or even in its practicality. The best thing about contemporary furniture is that it speaks of who you are. When guests enter the living room, they won’t feel like they’ve just walked into a painfully formal and impersonal living room of the 17th century. Instead, they would be greeted by a room with a contemporary flair that simply speaks of the owner’s personality… be it spunky, funky, elegant, fetch, feral, or saucy. Contemporary furniture really is for everyone.


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