40 Cozy Kitchen Pantry Designs Ideas

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One of the hallmarks of good housekeeping is having an organized pantry. This particular art and science is centered mainly on how to make the most use of pantry space. Organization is not just arranging items for better and easier use but also being able to maximize the space in the pantry for the same goals.


Experienced housekeepers use the traditional methods in having the most use of pantry space – assigning particular shelves (or cabinets) for individual item categories. Each shelf will have its own particular item (oils, spices, baking items, etc) and no other.

This makes it easy for whoever is cooking and using the pantry. The shelves (or cabinets) are the only ones opened during cooking sessions, and avoiding clutter all over the place.


Maximizing space in the pantry also includes the use of risers, baskets and containers – all in the service of making the most of pantry space. One tip is to buy in bulk and use the jars or baskets to store these items (sugar, baking items, etc.)

This method had been proven to eliminate clutter because you have eliminated the extra package product designs (protruding box signs, open flaps) intended to catch your attention at the supermarket shelves. In your pantry, they take up so much space for nothing.


Creating the most use of pantry space in your cabinets include the time-tested method of rearranging items in the shelves. Storing large and tall items (bottles, jars) at the back and bringing the small items up front can free up space.

The trick is being able to stack up the smaller items up front where they are seen rather than at the back covered from view by big and tall items at the front.


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